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Billee Byrne

Billee Byrne

This is the work of a homebody.
I sleep, eat, sweat, cry, scream and cough into these sheets.
I share what I want you to see and hide what I don't.
Timidly, the work invites you in: it is better than if i spoke it to you.
So look…
Into the fishbowl..
Into this bedroom I have found and created through a maladaptive daydream, that I'm consistently in and yearning to steal.

Here I blog my love of objects, of fashion, of stories…
collecting into the interweb, into the virtual and the reality.
Into the installation…
Into the space.
It might look fucking crazy to you, but its so real to me.
And it's mine. It's really truly unforgivably mine.
The language I breathe and adore and worship and strips me raw.
It's materialistic but not.
It's a love and more.

So this is a homebodies work,
earnest and honest.
giving this to you.

Billee Byrne, Installation View. Image Courtesy of University of Melbourne

Bill Byrne, this is my bedroom

Bill Byrne, Love letter to my bedroom

Billee Byrne, Studio Progress

Billee Byrne, homesick, scanned images from journal and bedroom wall, childhood photographs, wallpaper, collaged images, found images, found objects, loved objects, 2024

Billee Byrne, homesick, detail shot

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne
PRV12150 / CRICOS: 00116K